FTB will co-headline WGT 2018 this year and release a limited edition 4 song EP “Angry Kids Of Jealous Gods” for the WGT audience only.

FTB will co-headline WGT 2018 this year and release a limited edition 4 song EP “Angry Kids Of Jealous Gods” for the WGT audience only.
We haven’t been here a while, sorry if you’ve missed us. Lots of news about the new EP (Or?) and shows, this site will be updated soon. In the meantime for all the FTB latest check out our social media site news and posts in the side columns or click the social media icon.
Tri-corn hat and pistolero for the last of the vocal sessions for this EP. The song we’re doing today is “Angry kids of jealous gods” which is also the title of the record. Run to the hills, suckas. Blackstone Studios #frankthebaptist #FTB #berlinmusic #angrykidsofjealousgods
This May 2017 we will play with our heroes in ChameleonsVox once again, only this time these poor guys have to deal with our shenanigans for 6 straight shows, lol. Check the dates and venues down to the right of the page and get your tickets for the concerts here and for New Waves Day Fest with The Mission, The ChameleonsVox and FTB here. #FrankTheBaptistOnTour #BandOnTheRun #ChameleonsVox #CVandFTB #ThereGoesTheNeighborhood